Still think the same thing almost ten years latter. Faith has to be put into practice for it to mean or change anything. It involves listening very carefully to a very small, calm voice – not some hyped up idea. It takes time and experience to walk in balance on that issue. And… nobody is ever perfect in that regard. (And, I mean NO ONE!) The hardest part is the fact that you should not try this on the BIG things without trying to listen on the small stuff first – unless you want to go through some pretty horrendous crashes along the way. Faith doesn’t need an audiance, either. Often the “sweetest’ times are when it’s just you trying to wait and listen and no one knows.
But, simple, trusting faith can change your life and allow you to walk in places (realms) where you would never have imagined you ever would. Some people go to some conference and come home thinking that they have fought and won huge battles simply because they heard someone talking about time when they saw faith work like that.
That is like being happier that you found a “treasure map” than if you found a real treasure. You don’t really need the map… you need to practice listening about the small things and following through with those. Like the small voice that tells you when you pick up the wrench to also take the screwdriver along with you, too… only to get in the other room to find that… you also needed the screwdriver. Celebrate those small things! They are as precious as when your baby takes its first steps – they will lead you to the BIGGER THINGS!
And don’t get so excited about the bigger things and forget the smaller things. Faith is a “lifelong practice” full of successes and failures, big things and small things.
Well, now I’ve said more than I did in the original post below. But it’s stuff I should have said back then, as well.