People think, “I wish I had more faith.”
In America, they have been sold the story that they can get stronger faith by going to a “conference” and hearing someone talk about their experiences. Even worse, they have been taught that faith can be taught through listening to someone’s “opinion” about what some ancient text says. Sadly, both are of very little lasting value.
Faith is a “muscle” and building it through listening is like trying to learn to lift weights by reading a book about it. You might pick up a few pointers, but you will never change a muscle size by listening or reading. Sooner or later… It dawns on you… “This is only going to happen when I “DO” this myself. I have people come up to me all the time and tell me what they have heard about faith. I usually just smile. “What battles have you tried this idea in?” many times, things get quiet. Faith is a verb… Not really a noun.